Tuesday, 3 November 2015

  About Zoologico

Welcome to Zoologico Club official blog!
Let's get to know our history!

History of Zoologico club

1995 is the mark of the new beginning, the sage began when a group of veterinary students led by Mohammad Hatta, a fourth year student tried to establish a bird-watching club for students of the faculty of veterinary medicine of UPM that are interested. The need for a club that focus on afar larger scope of wildlife give birth to wildlife club.

However, due to lack of activities, the club began to slag off few months after it began. Luckily, things began to heat up in September 1996; Hasnul and his committee members successfully re-established the club's nursery to mother arphaned baby animal, an ingenious idea from Dr. Nadzariah Cheng as the club advisor.

A few months later, they realized a need for a moe generalized club to accommodate a wider range of veterinary fields, and thus the Zoologico club was born in December 1996. The aim of Zoologico club is to be animal lovers club which is the only club that has that purpose in UPM.

Fully run by the veterinary students themselves and at the same time acts as the subdiary-club of the faculty's main veterinary student's association, Veternak. However, the club membership is to be priority only to veterinary students of UPM.

The club also associated with the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), SPCA Selangor, PAWS & International Veterinary Students Association (IVSA) in order to encourage its members to obtain more field experiences, to handle a wider scope of academically-alien challenges, and at the same time committing themselves towards charity work in animal welfare.

·         Objectives

1.      To equip veterinary students and undergraduates about the basic of the animal kingdom.
2.      To spread awareness and concern of animal welfare among veterinary students and undergraduates.
3.      To further generate interest in animal care management by exposing students to all aspect of animal care, behavior and also the diverse branches in the field of veterinary science.
4.      To cater the need and concern of animal lovers amongst the undergraduates.

5.      To uphold the stances to conserve and preserve genetics, species and the local ecosystem diversity by promoting actions that include efforts to minimize pollution, wasteful usage of natural resources and other matters that may affect the animal world.

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